Motif Batik Parang Rusak
Motif Parang Rusak diciptakan oleh Panembahan Senopati, pendiri Kerajaan Mataram. Konon, sang raja sering bertapa di sepanjang pesisir selatan Pulau Jawa yang dipenuhi oleh jajaran pegunungan seribu yang terlihat seperti pereng (tebing) berbaris. Akhirnya, ia menamai tempat bertapanya dengan pereng yang kemudian berubah menjadi parang. Di salah satu tempatbertapa tersebut, ada bagian yang terdiri dari tebing-tebing atau pereng yang rusak karena terkikis deburan ombak laut selatan, sehingga lahirlah ilham untuk menciptakan motif batik yang kemudian diberi nama Parang Rusak.
Parang Rusak motif created by Panembahan Senopati, founder of the kingdom of Mataram. That said, the king often meditated on the south coast of Java island, full of a thousand mountain range that looks like Pereng (cliff) march. Finally, he named the place bertapanya with Pereng which later turned into a machete. In one of these tempatbertapa, there are parts which consists of cliffs or Pereng damaged by sea waves eroded the south, so was born the inspiration to create a motif which is then given the name Parang Rusak.
Parang Rusak motif created by Panembahan Senopati, founder of the kingdom of Mataram. That said, the king often meditated on the south coast of Java island, full of a thousand mountain range that looks like Pereng (cliff) march. Finally, he named the place bertapanya with Pereng which later turned into a machete. In one of these tempatbertapa, there are parts which consists of cliffs or Pereng damaged by sea waves eroded the south, so was born the inspiration to create a motif which is then given the name Parang Rusak.